1776 Collection Series

There is one thing above all else that sets Fairview Architectural’s aluminum façade panels above the competition and that is our exceptional finishes! As a proud American-owned and operated business, we have combined our expertise in developing superior exterior finishes with our national pride to create the 1776 Series. This series of finishes has been designed specifically to celebrate American Independence and what better day to launch than today July 4th!

The finishes in the 1776 Series have been carefully chosen by the Fairview team for their direct connection to major events around the year 1776 that secured our independence and set us on the path to being the global powerhouse that we are today.

There are four collections within the 1776 Series with three finishes featured in each collection. We will announce a new collection every Monday in July as well as share with you the historical moment that inspired the collection and how these finishes help to tell the story in color.


Our first collection in the 1776 Series is “Midnight Ride”. This collection celebrates the evening of Tuesday, April 18 in 1775 when Paul Revere undertook his epic ride to warn the minutemen that “The British are coming; the British are coming”. Below are the finishes that represent the this story in color.


The story of “The Shot Heard Round the World” collection is honored in the 1776 Series by three wonderful finishes that are used to tell the story in color of the shot that supposedly started the battles of Lexington and Concord on April 19th, 1775.


Old Ironsides tells the story of the USS Constitution (also affectionately known as Old Ironsides), the US navy’s oldest commissioned naval ship.  After a lengthy time in the navy and many successful missions, the grand lady was retired from active duty in 1881 but remained in service until being designated as a museum ship in 1907. We have honored the story of this impressive naval vessel with the following finishes:


The 1776 Series would not be complete without a collection based on how our flag earned its iconic nickname, Old Glory. To represent this story we have of course chosen our most patriotic red, white and blue finishes:

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We offer a free sample service where you can choose from a range of colors and finishes. 

Here are some most popular ones.

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