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Corporate Social Responsibility

Home 9 Corporate Social Responsibility

Giving Back – both financially and physically


Fairview Architectural’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy outlines our Company’s responsibility toward the environment and beyond. We understand that our Company’s existence is part of a bigger system that encompasses other people, values and organizations as well as nature. The backbone of our social responsibilities as a business is to give back to the world as it has given to us. Our aim is to be a responsible company that strives to meet the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.


Our corporate social responsibility

Our company’s social responsibility falls under two categories: compliance and proactiveness. Compliance refers to our company’s commitment to legality and willingness to observe community values. Proactiveness outlines the initiatives that we are involved in that promote human rights, helps communities, and protect our natural environment.



Our company will:

  • Respect the law
  • Honor our internal policies
  • Ensure that all our business operations are legitimate
  • Keep every partnership and collaboration open and transparent

Business ethics

We will always conduct our business with integrity and with a respect for human rights. We will always promote:

  • Safety and fair dealing
  • Respect toward the consumer
  • Anti-bribery and anti-corruption practices
  • Protecting the environment


At Fairview Architectural we recognize the need to protect the natural environment. Keeping our environment clean and unpolluted is a benefit to us all. We will always follow best practices when disposing of garbage and recycling and using chemical substances. Stewardship will also play an important role.

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Protecting people

We will ensure that we:

  •  Don’t risk the health and safety of our employees and community.
  • Avoid harming the lives of local and indigenous people.
  • Support diversity and inclusion.


Human rights

Our company is dedicated to protecting human rights. We are a committed equal-opportunity employer and will abide by all fair labor practices. We will ensure that our activities do not directly or indirectly violate human rights in any country (e.g. forced labor).



Donations and aid

Fairview Architectural has a deep-rooted belief in giving back, by supporting humanitarian needs worldwide such as:


  • Disaster Relief
  • Homelessness
  • Poverty and Hardship
  • Emergency Services and Law Enforcement.


Every day, across the globe and in our local communities we see situations that fit into the categories above, circumstances in humanity that draw out our compassion. As it is not possible to contribute to every need, we take measures to ensure that our contributions go directly to where they are needed. We follow certain criteria for contributing to humanitarian needs:


We do:

  • Make financial contributions to registered charities that support the categories listed above.
  • Provide physical assistance to registered charities that support the categories listed above.


Fairview Architectural encourages its employees to volunteer through programs organized internally or externally.  This may include our staff contributing labor as well as providing resources such as the use of our premises as required.


We do not:

  • Make donations to private businesses, individuals or third parties, even if they will then be donating it to a charitable cause.
  • Make donations to political parties.
  • Contribute to causes that do not align with our beliefs and values.

We partner with recognized charities and continually look to support new initiatives that align with our values. If you would like to be added to this list, please email csr@fairview-na.com. Current charities that we support are:

Preserving the environment

In addition to our legal obligations, our Company aims to proactively protect the environment. Examples of relevant activities include:


  • Recycling
  • Conserving energy
  • Using environmentally-friendly technologies where possible
  • Supporting the community


Our company initiates and supports community investment and educational programs.



We will actively invest in Research and Development. We will be open to suggestions and listen carefully to ideas. Fairview Architectural will try to continuously improve the way it operates and the sustainability of the products that we provide.


We will readily act to promote our identity as a socially aware and responsible business. Management must communicate this policy on all levels. Managers are also responsible for resolving any CSR issues.

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We offer a free sample service where you can choose from a range of colors and finishes. 

Here are some most popular ones.

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