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Vitraplate® Non-Combustible Aluminum Façade Materials

Dec 18, 2024Blogs, Product News, Technical Bulletins, Vitrabond

How Does the Building Code Define Vitraplate® as Non-Combustible?
The International Building Code (IBC) Section 703.4 establishes the criteria for determining a product’s non-combustibility. This definition is necessary, as ASTM E-136, a standard test for non-combustibility, is primarily applicable to elementary materials rather than manufactured or painted products such as Vitraplate®. 

Does Vitraplate® pass the ASTM E-136 test to prove that they are non-combustible?
The ASTM E-136 test is for elementary materials only and is therefore not for any painted product. As such, the aluminum used in Vitraplate® passes the ASTM E-136, meaning that Vitraplate® non-combustible.

Has Vitraplate® passed an NFPA 285 full scale wall assembly fire test?
The NFPA 285 test does not apply to Vitraplate®. It also does not apply to the non-combustible wall assembly applications where we recommend using Vitraplate®. The NFPA 285 is specifically made for combustible products, to allow their use in wall assemblies that are meant to use products rated as non-combustible according to the building code. Fairview Architectural has many products for many applications. Other MCM/ACM manufacturers with a single product range must try to make their product fit where it shouldn’t. By contrast, Fairview promotes VitrabondFR® where wall assemblies are permitted to contain combustible products and promotes Vitraplate® for use in non-combustible wall assemblies.

Why not have Vitraplate® tested in an NFPA285 wall assembly test? Wouldn’t that open up a greater market share?
It is not about market share – we simply develop the RIGHT product for the RIGHT application, and don’t try to promote saving pennies at the cost of life safety. Fairview Architectural was the first to discontinue the use of the flammable PE core ACM, and the first to develop non-combustible pre-finished solid aluminum building façade material, known as Vitraplate®.

Is there a full-scale wall assembly fire test for Vitraplate® in North America?
At this time non-combustible products themselves are not required to undergo full-scale wall assembly testing, and there are no full-scale fire tests for non-combustible products in the North American market. Fairview Architectural ensures that our products meet and exceed the testing criteria for the applications they are designed for, and invest into the development of the right product for each application.

Are other fire tests such as ASTM E-119 or ASTM E-84 required for Vitraplate®?
Many tests, such as ASTM E84 are used to determine the risk of using combustible products in construction. Specifically, ASTM E84 is to determine the surface burning characteristics of building materials. As Vitraplate® is classified as a non-combustible product according to ASTM E-136 and IBC Section 703.4, there is no surface burning, so ASTM E84 is not required by the building codes, nor is it applicable to the product.

Likewise, ASTM E119 as relates to walls is a test used for determining how long a fire can be prevented from passing through a wall assembly. An example of this is when you have a partition wall between a garage and living space, some codes require double 5/8” Type X gypsum to achieve a 2 hour rated wall. As a cladding material, there is no correlation between Vitraplate® and the ASTM E119 standard, therefore there is no way to perform this test according to the test standards and the use of the product.


We envision a building façade industry free of flammable cladding materials. We all understand that buildings need paint, adhesives, waterproofing, paper backers on drywall, etc… and we are working with conscientious insurers, code consultants, fire marshals, and architects who have embraced our vision as together we lead the change to a safer building façade industry.

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