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Sequential vs. Non-sequential Panel Installation Systems

Aug 12, 2020Blogs

Unlike most things in the construction industry where there are seemingly endless options to choose from, when it comes to panel installation systems there are just two: Sequential and Non-sequential. Both systems achieve the main aim of all installations systems which is to protect the “guts” of the walls and to enable the presentation of an architecturally designed and aesthetically appealing exterior façade.

Once the façade is applied, the differences between these two options is no longer apparent but before getting to this stage of the construction build, which system you choose will determine how quickly and efficiently you get to this stage. Below we break down these two options further:

Sequential Installation Panel System?

Also known as Progressive Installation Panel Systems, Sequential installation is the original panel system used in the construction industry. The Sequential systems use panels that are required to interlock to each other in some way, similar to how bricks connect to each other. To build a brick wall, you must attach the bricks to each other. Although it is the original system, the downside of this installation method is that it takes longer to complete the panel installation and this also makes it the more expensive of the two options. It also makes remodeling or repairs more complex as for example, a damaged panel relies on the other panels surrounding it and vice versa. You must find a way to support these panels before removing and repairing the defective panel. Also, having to install panels in a sequence means that you cannot use multiple install teams on the project and installation could be stalled if the panels are not ready in the correct sequence.

Non-Sequential Installation Panel Systems

Also known as Non-Progressive Installation Panel Systems are the next generation in installations systems and unlike the restrictions required when using sequential systems, the non-sequential system allows for other panels to be installed out of sequence. Therefore, you can have multiple crews working on the project as they can install panels anywhere on the frame; it is easier to repair or replace any panel on the wall without compromising any other panels nearby as they are installed independently of each other; the installation can be completed quickly as there is no need to wait for panels or be restricted to which panels can be installed next.

Which is Best for a Building Project?

Both systems work well for panel installation however the additional benefits are driving the increased popularity of the non-sequential installation systems. As a aluminum panel manufacturer, we created our Arrowhead non-sequential patented panel installation system to offer architects greater design control and to give our customers the ability to start their projects sooner and complete their projects quicker, enabling them to take on more projects with the same size crew.

If you would like to know more about our fully patented Arrowhead non-sequential facade installation system, we are holding a live webinar on 19 August at 4pm EDT. To secure your place, register here.

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