Introducing Fairview Architectural’s new Rust Collection

Jan 30, 2020Blogs, Edgeline, Featured, Finishes, Product News, Vitrabond

Our latest range of architectural design finishes are guaranteed to make any design project stand out from the crowd

As a specialist in providing unique and innovative façade cladding finishes, Fairview Architectural is continually striving to find new ranges that will excite and inspire design and specification professionals. We are pleased to introduce our latest imitation range – The Rust Collection.

Our team have proven that value engineering does not require the need to detour too far from the original design material. With The Rust Collection they have managed to put together an impressive selection of imitation finishes that closely match the look of natural rust. The current range includes seven finishes: Mesa Rust, Mojave Rust, Longhorn Rust, Nimitz Blue, Nebula Blue, Azure Patina and Sierra Rust that was recently used on The Watson project. For more information on this project, please take a look at our project case study.

The finishes in the Rust Collection offer all of the aesthetic benefits of a natural rust finish but with none of the drawbacks thanks to the backing of our popular metal composite material, Vitrabond FR. Other benefits of these natural finishes is that they do not produce any dust; will NOT leach or stain in poor weather; come in a variety of shades and colors and; will keep their integrity for years to come.

The launch of our new Rust Collection comes just months after we introduced the Zinc cladding collection through a strategic partnership with Rheinzink America. These two natural finish ranges ensure architects and designers can achieve a unique façade that will change and evolves over time. If you would like to order a Rust Collection sample pack or individual samples, please use this dedicated request form. Alternatively, if you would like to discuss these finishes with one of our team, please contact 860-242-2711 or email

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We offer a free sample service where you can choose from a range of colors and finishes. 

Here are some most popular ones.

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